the Naktiv site (Naked Online OK) is the social network for naked people to discuss nude issues, post naked content, and generally annoy all the clothed people with fun posts. Our one thousandth member just registered, which means we have that many more people for you to connect to, casually chat amongst, and to enter into meaningful debate with.
We discuss whether it's acceptable to post naked images online (yes), and if so, how far do you go? 1963's naturist style, where no pubes are permitted to be seen? 2013 public bikini style, where everyone has shaven their pudenda and there ARE no pubes to be seen? Or something else? Are more women posting non-sexual nudity images online these days? Are more men than ever before trying to join less nudist clubs than ever before? Are naked art installations an excuse for public depravity, or does bringing nudity into the public mainstream reduce mindless puritan repression? Do feminists get naked more often than male chauvinists, or not, and why? Are you proud to post a naked image on line, or would you be ashamed to do so? Would you like to read about a well publicized and mixed naked hiking tour in the European Alps? Do you open your door to the postman, naked? What do you think about body piercings in sensitive places?
We're not always serious, we're certainly not always politically correct. However, we do have a whole lot of fun doing what we do, (and whatever it is, we're usually doing it naked). The Naked Online OK <a href="">Mission Statement</a> sets out what we are about, and our no-no's can be summed up as: <i>no sex, no violence, no abuse and no funny stuff</i>. If these criteria describe you, feel free to take a look at, join and contribute to, the alternative and naked social network which aims to make a difference today!
I'll just sit back and smile 🙂
I am quite happy to have found this place.
Congratulations to everyone involved. the Naktiv site is the place to be !
Onwards and Upwards!