The naked danger.

Ah, (says the police man), so the man who stole your purse was naked, was he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who stole your car, he was naked then? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who threatened you with a knife in the dark alley, he was naked wasn't he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who broke into the bank last week, he was naked was he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who conned you out of your life savings last week, he was naked was he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who kidnapped your child from the shopping centre, he was naked then? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who tried to touch you up in the pub last night, he was naked was he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who beat you up when he came home drunk from the pub, was naked was he? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who raped you at the bus stop, was naked then? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the man who broke the speed limit at the roundabout was naked? Woman: No, don't be silly.

Ah, so the naked man you met while out hiking the other day, who said "Good morning" to you with a smile and a friendly wave before continuing peacefully on his walk, he was dangerous though? Woman: I was terrified!

12 thoughts on “The naked danger.”

  1. Before nudity was banned in San Francisco knowledgeable people would point out that one is safer nude with other nude people than by himself. A group of nude people were just "those nakies" while a single man could be drunk or drugged or crazy and possibly dangerous.

  2. Nakedness is not dangerous, the mind of the person intending to cause danger, intending to hurt, harass or distress is dangerous. The state of dress or undress is only an aid to the perceived danger. If you fear rape and a naked person is approaching you with the intent, they are only equally dangerous as a clothed person, the nakedness makes the perception stronger.

  3. I thought about a post yesterday morning but didn't get to write it, and last night felt it needed more thought.

    The fact that the Naktiv site requires moderation, nude venues need rules of conduct and that in both instances there are breeches leads me to the point I was going to make.

    In theory the Naktiv site should require no moderation. In a completely free society where it is permissible to walk down the street naked, it shouldn't be necessary. Unfortunately that day is difficult to envision and here's why.

    Considering what images fall within the site rules and which don't isn't a black and white process. This comes down to differing standards, our wonderful uniqueness.
    For some in society the ability to go naked would see them enjoying the outdoors in a wholesome healthy way.
    Within this context there might be a handful on the fringe who might conduct themselves in a manner some would frown upon, but the fringe see no wrong in. There will be others who conduct themselves in a wholly unacceptable manner.

    This is not a reason to criminalise nudity, but it is worth bearing in mind. Consider the objectionable images that do and will appear, where people feel inclined to posture in a less than desirable manner, and this might well be a projection of what one could expect if nudity was decriminalised.

    Agree or disagree?

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