6 thoughts on “My blog”

      • Hello, Jacques Marie,
        I’m just glad to hear that you can get along with your family while having different opinions and attitudes. If a family is the nucleus of society, different perspectives can coexist in society, without one wanting to impose one’s opinion or point of view on others, without one wanting to be right at all costs. Many social experiments have been carried out in the last few months: one could try to suspend, on an experimental basis, the effectiveness of some articles of the Penal Code for a limited time&place. Coexistence and mutual respect are possible.

      • That’s ok, JMF. We don’t want other people to dictate to us what we should, or should not, be wearing. The same principle applies in reverse. They tolerate our nudity and we tolerate their clothing. We can be happy that we can walk together, regardless of how each person is, or is not, attired. Feliz Navidad! 🙂

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