Moonlit Free Hike

I have been on a somewhat spiritual journey the last few weeks.
A story I was reading by Wayne Dyer said, a test you can take to see if you're truly free of your ego is to walk in the woods alone at 3am every morning for a year.

Last night I decided to give this a go. It was 10pm and there was a full moon. None the less the last time I headed out to the bush behind our house around this hour, I was almost run down by a mob of kangaroos being chased by wild dogs. That had happened within a couple of minutes of entering the track and on that occasion had freaked me right out.

Last night was completely different. I wasn't metaphysically alone, having a guide and divine protector within.
Almost straight away the reserve was like a magical fairyland bathed in cool silky moonlight. It was like day in subdued tones. Almost dream like. I hiked to the top of the ridge.
I spent some time at the top peacefully, then headed down through the bush to the other side. I was so relaxed in the experience it just felt right to free hike.
This is in the centre of a built up urban area, but I figured no one else was crazy enough to be up there at that hour. The frequent jiggers and dog walkers etc.

By the time I got back to the streets, after this experience, it felt like I'd been somewhere else entirely. A magical place few if any might visit.
It took me back to the occasions when I'd walk along the beach after work where I'd previously lived. I would observe the city lights across the water and realise how fortunate I was. There were a few thousand people across the water, stuck in traffic, stuck in depressing jobs, shallow relationships and the like. There I was in paradise, at peace, living a life of tranquility. I very much relived that sensation last night. All it took was a shift in paradigm.

To some degree that is what Naktiv is about. Breaking the paradigms of entrapment so we can rediscover true inner freedom.
If you have the opportunity and it feels right, I urge you to give it a go some time.

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