Her answer Is…

If you read my last blog about the promotion offer that Lisa got, maybe you’re interested in what decision she came to? Well let me tell you that she said that she just couldn’t decide all alone, she asked each one of us separately & privately to give her our own  honest & direct solution to her mind blowing options. She took time to listen to so many people but mainly us, her family & her heart sharers.  Although she has 2 more days to go she is giving her CEO her answer today.

She has decided to stay right where she is, for now. She has so many reasons to stay here and so many important different things she still needs to see completed before she moves on, but her priority is where her own heart will be happiest. She (& her own little family unit)  needs to want the same thing at the same time and although financially she would gain so much, she just would not enjoy enough quality time with them for a few years to come. (very important years!).

Of course we are happy that she (& her family) will stay close by, we are even happier that she puts family love, happiness & loyalty first & foremost.

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