I have never been 'shy' about anyone seeing my nakedness, as you probably understand! So there are virtually no circumstances that I can imagine that would cause me to 'cover-up-quickly' in the UK & most of Europe certainly. However within the past 48 hours I have had 3 occasions to grab for material to cover my lower half. In hospital in a semi-private unit I lay naked on the bed with just one thin bed sheet to cover me, although that cover rarely came up above my knees. Two nurses, a consultant & 4 or 5 ancillary care staff,agreed that I could remain nude if I covered when anyone was offended or if children under 16 came in. I couldn't figure out why errant young folk would venture into my area of repose, nor could I think why any medical person would find my genitalia or buttocks offensive?
What I didn't expect was an elderly woman who saw reason to bring a "refreshments & periodicals" display stand to the door of my unit. Visit 1 she yelled from the doorway, "What need is there to put yourself on display young man!", I felt an impulse reaction to pull up the cover but I resisted, I simply thanked the matriarchal person for calling me 'young man'. Within about an hour the same lady reappeared but with a small selection of cards & gift brochures to place on one small round table just inside the doorway? Why I don't know? She again gave me a scowl as she flicked a glossy brochure in the direction of my upper legs! Once more she called out, "Cover up, I have no need to view your equipment!". Before I could reply she scurried away.
One of my nurses came to take some readings for my 'chart' and she laughed when I told her of the senior harridan that had paid two visits to me thus far. "Oh yes, that's Glynis our dear old volunteer" I was informed, also I was asked to kindly pull my sheet up if Glynis reappeared! I wasn't immediately inclined to discuss the matter any further but I had already hatched a plan for the next 'Glynis' apparition.
The following morning just after 8:30am I woke up from a short slumber and saw there within 2 yards, Glynis! As my eyes focused and one hand reached for that barrier of material that would possibly protect me from injury(?), I saw a smile break out upon dear Glynis's face. She tapped my upper leg with a rolled up magazine & said "Don't you worry, I see you've been very unwell, these places breed germs don't they, so recover well young chap but take more care to not get a cold wind blowing over your 'parcel'. . ." she giggled, then she dashed away laughing like a teen prankster who had claimed another foil.
I returned home to my family soon afterwards, recovering and contented, with a lovely glowing realisation that I didn't need that sheet to cover me & any likley senior visitor to my home would have already seen my torso a great many times. My lovely wife however assumes that a rolled up magazine wielding 'Gran' could maybe one day take me out of my lifelong naturism. . . . I corrected her with a smile saying "This 'young-man' was already about to invite Glynis & her colleague an open invitation to our home with the assurance that a bed sheet was always 'at-hand' !
12 thoughts on “Glynis don't like it!”
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You should consider publishing! There isn't enough naturist literature out there, and you never know who might read it for entertainment and be persuaded by the time they finish to give it a try! 🙂
Your encouragement words are gratefully noted Joe, however I think this fine place is where my words arrive & stay. I am so pleased that you and others enjoy reading my tomes. Your words are reward enough! 😀
Patrick I hope you are saving all these stories so that you can compile them for publication.
Thanks Greg but they'll only appear on here! No doubt someone will read back over them, in months to come they will raise a wry smile or two I think!
Thank you again!
Yes but are you sorted now?
Sorry for this delayed reply but I am much recovered thanks. Not much more 'covered' though! I barely make it through the day. . . ha ha ha 😀