"Practicing naturism" what does that mean? (short blog)

Why do we say "practice naturism"? Is this the normal English expression?

To me is sounds to direct and a an activity "an sich", but isn't "practicing naturism" just "doing whatever you do, but then without clothing"?

This means that "practicing naturism" actually does not mean much. It implies "living, breathing…while nude".

Why don't we also say "I practice living"?

Any ideas on this? Why do people use this expression? Is it used by many people here, or do refer to naturism in a different way, less focused on it being an "activity" an sich?

60 thoughts on “"Practicing naturism" what does that mean? (short blog)”

  1. By vocabulary "practice" means:
    "perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency."
    I don't think that nudism is a proficiency, rather is a way of life!

    • That's only one of the definitions of 'practise'. Like most English words, 'practise' has other meanings too. The Oxford dictionary says that it also means 'to carry out a custom or method habitually or regularly'. From the examples given in the dictionary, you can 'practise discrimination' by not favouring someone because of race, religion etc. Another example is more relevant to us. If a person has sex without wearing a condom, he is said to 'practise unsafe sex'. Likewise, those of us who go about habitually without wearing clothes can be said to 'practise naturism'. 🙂

  2. That sense of "practice" is also used for various professions. We say that doctors practice medicine, lawyers practice law, farmers practice animal husbandry, etc. It means that the person does all of the things necessary for that activity, without implying that he's doing them right this minute.

    Looking at the first dictionary definition to come up in a Google search, we get:
    the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use.

    So, if somebody practices naturism, it means he actually does it rather than just talks about it.

  3. 'Practise' here has a different meaning from the practice of e.g. a musical instrument or a dance step. When you practise a dance step, you are engaging in an activity to perfect it. 'Practise' when applied to naturism has a different meaning. It means to observe a philosophy. It's the same verb that we use when we talk about a religious person 'practising' his or her religion. A Buddhist who abstains from eating meat is practising his religion even though he is not doing anything – not eating meat. When someone practises naturism, he's merely observing the naturist philosophy of going naked.

    • Nice comparison to religion. I had not thought of that yet. Thanks for sharing! Haha, practicing something by not doing anything, haha.. nice summary! Its sounds funny no my non-Enlish ears.
      (English is not my first language and I am raised as an atheist)

    • English, like all languages, has its peculiarities. I can understand Happy Bare's preference for the word 'being'. 'Go', like 'practise', may have an active connotation to some people but in English, both verbs have a stative meaning too. When you say, 'He will go to school', 'go' is an active verb. But like 'practise', 'go' also has its inactive meaning. When you say, 'Harry goes into the room naked', 'go' is active. But 'The philosophy of going naked', 'go' can assume an inactive meaning. It's the same meaning as when you say 'How long can you go without food?' Here, it means the same as 'How long can you be without food?' Hence, 'going' and 'being' can mean the same thing in English. There's a spelling difference – for Americans, 'practice' is both a noun and a verb but for the rest of the world, 'practice' is the noun and 'practise' the verb. It's the same with 'licence' and 'license' whereas in American English, 'licence' is both the noun and the verb.

        • Oh no. It wasn't my intention to say you were inconsistent. You were not inconsistent at all. When I explained the difference between 'practise' and 'practice' in British English, I merely wanted people to know that I did not type the wrong key. It was not a comment of other people's spelling. Anyway, if the trend over the past two centuries is anything to go by, American English will ALWAYS succeed in having its own way in everything. There are so many aspects of American English that are now accepted by the whole world including Britain that it's sometimes surprising to note that some common English words and phrases which everyone uses today were at one time considered Americanisms which encountered much disapproval. For example, in 1926, a famous British lexicographer and grammarian, Henry Fowler, blasted the use of the word 'belittle' to mean 'disparage' (e.g. 'He belittled my efforts' ) as an 'undesirable alien' because it was at that time an Americanism. Today, hardly anyone in Britain knows that the usage was at one time frowned upon. It's probably the success of Hollywood that secures the dominance of American English all over the world.

    • Evelina is a trained linguist and she can speak MANY languages. When we were hiking in NEWT 2016, she could even discuss some aspects of written Chinese with me. As I recall it, she could speak more than half a dozen languages. That is very uncommon in my country. In my country, most people speak 3 languages. We tend to make errors which will sound strange to English ears. Many people in my country do not study English grammar and although they can speak the language quite fluently, they don't understand why some sentences they construct are considered non-standard. But with globalisation and the influx of immigrants into the UK and US, a lot of the more intricate grammatical rules which I used to learn as a kid are now whittled away. Many different shades of meaning are glossed over and mean the same thing now. But that's a natural progression of language, especially a language that is so universally accepted and used.

  4. to be dressed , at first is an activity you do everyday. So you practice this as the first task of the day. To practice naturism is just the task of not doing that one. A negative task is a practice also. You practice meditation to avoid getting any thoughts. Just like this.

  5. I don't use that expression "practice naturism" for myself. I don't "practice" a special activity. Naked for me is the normal human condition. Clothing, modesty, prudery, is the "practice." To be clothed takes work, expense, effort, and discomfort. Its the practice. Normal is how I and you are without any practice. I simply go about as a normal human without any practice. I allow guests to practice prudery and clothism when they come over.

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