Nella foto sul balcone stai leggendo il libro sotto sopra
Ridge trail
Beautifull galery
impressive collection. wow.
Good morning
Covid nights.
During the confinement, no chance to be caught. The ailanthus tree is getting naked too -
Of possible interest (in German. A 43′ min. video):
Unter Nackten: Tantra und die Suche nach Veränderung
Broadcasted on 23th Juli 22h 45
https://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/video/sendungen/menschen-hautnah/video-unter-nackten-tantra-und-die-suche-nach-veraenderung–100.html -
Early morning honeysuckle.
Yesterday the hedge was swollen with white and yellow flowers of the honeysuckle and brambles. This morning I find the hedge “sheared”. Along the same path, the fallen pappi of the cotton trees had already become seedlings – they disturbed the walk, and someone zapped away those too. I make do with what remains.…[Read more] -
The virus is over. Games go on. The nature reserve reopened today after two months of closure. In the past two months, water birds have been able to make their nests in peace; the vegetation has grown luxuriant, the reeds (Phragmites australis) have grown through the cracks between the axes of the bridges. On the one hand, nature continues…[Read more]
In 66 years, it is the first time that I “see” all these colours in nature. I am increasingly convinced that nudity is a (physical, bodily) gate to nature, to reality. A form and quality of perception, that generate thoughts I never thought.
1) Green – Yellow – and more – 11:30 this morning, raining
2) Seen from the other side
3) Along the same…[
More picture from the stroll two days ago
1) Light makes things come alive in beauty
2) Joyful yellow
3) Chiaroscuro
4) Perception of my presence -
If you’ve never seen me dressed, here’s a picture of me: I was invited this morning to a high school to read Plato’s The Apology of Socrates. Here we are in the school library. I like to vary, to be active in other areas as well.
Was a windy morning at 8 this morning, but the air so clean, the light so sharp that I couldn’t resist to go out, 10°C. Some impressions:
1) Placid morning by the pond
2) Breathing the clearness of the air
3) Rooted in time and space
More in a next post -
A little stroll through the fields yesterday before sunset: embodiment, embracement, inbuilt
1) Little before sunset
2) Eyes wide open
3) The old poplar, an old acquaintance
4) Listening for a red message-
@vittorio, your pictures are always wonderful! Thank you for sharing. Keep the nudist spirit high!
Beautiful photos
The colours are so vibrant in the forest and show how nature is so full of life and an energy that we should all embrace to the full. Great photos as always @vittorio Cheers from sunny naked day in Barcelona. Al.
Thanks, everybody. Trying to give a title to my pictures I realize the amount of pleasure nature gave to me and finally I find the name of the path I’m going along. In a few days I’ll need again to go out – no idea where – with open eyes, I’ll find some beautiful places. Beauty works like signposts as if nature itself could lead me to a message I…[Read more]
always love your pictures they are so beautiful and convey so much of how it feels to be au natural in the natural environment
nice nudist tree
Censored exhibition (an oxymoron?)
Unesco puts underpant on nude statues in Paris
https://www.lepoint.fr/editos-du-point/sophie-coignard/coignard-l-unesco-et-les-cache-sexes-14-10-2019-2341079_2134.php?M_BT=121656863#xtor=EPR-6-%5BNewsletter-Matinale%5D-20191016A booklet (26 p.):…[Read more]
This is really ridiculous and will continue to promote the message that there are good and bad human body parts! I do think Unesco is making the right decision here. I understand some cultures may see human nudity as offensive, but art should be a sanctuary.
This is the 21st century! Amazing to think such ignorance and backwardness can still exist!
The greatest authority for culture teaches us what is good and what is not. I couldn’t believe! Unesco would rather shaw respect for every culture and art, not only our heritage but also the art of nowadays. Besides that, I think that everyone is an artist, a culture-bearer: if Unesco doesn’t respect that, that means that Unesco has its own idea…[Read more]
Tried to read the pdf but my French is a little too basic to fully follow the text, from what I could understand the concept of the photographer and the selfie was interesting and allowed for individual expression in how the statue could be viewed. Art in whatever form should be sacrosanct and untarnished by censorship by future generations as art…[Read more]
This years’s autumn
1) Pointillism
2) Autumn silence -
In the park-place: my naked presence makes the difference and makes me think of the differences we live side by side
1) Just a parking place
2) Double-face: nature & technology
3) Two-way life
4) À côté de McDonald’s-
Autumn is here.
Definitely the colours of Autumn are with us.
Thank you for your friendship. Your photo gallery, your thoughts are like a wonderful book.To which you want to come back again and again.
Thanks, Bobchas. I was a librarian until the 1rst of August, no wonder that my “thoughts are like a wonderful book”.
I have to say that every time it is a discovery: really a “Wonderland”, outside and inside me. Almost one time in the week I must go out for a walk, not so far from home, and every time I see something new I never noticed before.-
great as always. I assumed that you have taken these photos early in the morning.
Yes, indeed, little before 8: last Sunday we switched in wintertime. Otherwise, the park-place would be plenty of cars
The sky was cloudy so that the pictures are a little dark. With the sun all the leaves will be illuminated in transparence. Nature is like ancient codex full of illuminated plates (or vice-versa)
I have to say that I gave the titles after I have seen the pictures on the monitor. Only then I was aware of the “difference”: the trees and me on the one side and the cars and the shopping centre on the other side. And we both live together, although in different paths
I can’t believe you went naked so openly!
If you dare, they don’t care. They saw I was there with a camera, I was taking pictures nothing offensive nor exhibitionist. I was there quite for a private matter. May be five people have seen me in the distance. And a man at the petrol station was so close that I couldn’t do without greeting him a good Sunday: as it was nothing special; quite…[Read more]
I stay naked almost 24/7 year round. It is my attire of choice whenever possible. I am very open about my choice of life style.
Back to the same place: Summer and autumn
you could do a lot worse I reckon looks a beautiful spot
I admire that you can continue your nature walks despite the fact that it must be getting a bit chilly there now
Sometimes I feel less chill when naked than clothed: the body has a stove inside. And beside this, I couldn’t miss a good chance for a picture: pictures sometimes show a new evidence in the world that I can understand, they teach me something I couldn’t imagine before
Great images, Vittorio. and, Harold, we were hiking naked in the med. still last week. You can see one of our reports on the blog post HERE. Mostly NOT chilly
Thanks, Richard: this is my way of being “naked&active”: Aesthetics is the way I appreciate the world and also a way through
Naked and Active is the way forward.
A short sunset hike to Saint Firmus chapel (45.671086, 10.085590)
1) Light is everything you see
2) Autumn colours on my skin
3) Saint Firmus’ lonely bell tower
4) ALmost dark (ASA 102.400)-
like all of your pictures, these are so beautiful and convey context and atmosphere…..thanks for posting
Many thanks, Anthony. I felt a strong need to be there, to be naked there, not a form of taking-over, but to be melt with light, air, sky, landscape, especially in sunset time. I was in the right mood to see more of nature around me. Now and then my mind cuts a caper and I’m in two worlds at once: that of today, and that of nature. The result of a…[Read more]
i think your beautiful pictures convey that and so much more……. nudity is not the focus but an integral part of what you convey…… could not imagine not being nude is such beautiful environments…… please continue to enchant and captivate us with your beautiful pictures grazie mille
I send the first picture to a friend (an artist, painter, about 80y.o.) and he replied:
«sei riuscito a rappresentare il paradiso con questa finestra di luce da cui improvviso appare Adamo»
«you managed to represent paradise with this window of light from which Adam suddenly appears».
I didn’t have anything in mind, not even Adam, but I have to…[Read more]
Thank you Vittorio for all these images so colorful and yet so peaceful
Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) near home a mix of colours in their autumnal harmony, where even a naked man isn’t too much out of place
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