jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Andrei Vlasov - "Great events! I have participated once, in 2019 in Brussels"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Nicolaus - "My wife like to cut grass naked."
muko - "Very nice women and very nice photos:)"
Eva - "Love this pic. Were you the only one naked at the party?"
Carlos A. Ahumada - "@onadafre Gracias por tu amistad. Me encantan tus fotos. Lindo grupo."
James Wong Wan Ooi - "@chacac54protonmail-com Hi I just wondering is there a naturist community in the Philippines??"
Anita Ta - "nice boating"
Andre - "Wunderful!"
Peter - "Summer is here. Red skin."
alan hall - "Found the photos, it’s like finding your way through a maze blindfold"
Paul Sottorello - "@profile-5437 Hi Ellen,greetings from Germany.i just had my secound vaccine biontech and it feels great….."