jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Jose Gomez - "@sunseal mark, shoot me an email so we can get in touch."
muko - "Very nice women and very nice photos:)"
Natureisone - "Have added some pics to my account, I am married and have plenty of my nudist wife but because of my wife’s job I don’t wish to have pics of her on here for security reasons."
Alan - "stunning group picture"
Northwest Nudist - "“I like me better naked. I don’t mean that in a vain way… When you put clothes on, you immediately put a character on. Clothes are adjectives, they are indicators. When you don’t have any clothes on, it’s just […]" View
Sunseeker - "Forgot how good this site is"
James Wong Wan Ooi - "@chacac54protonmail-com Hi I just wondering is there a naturist community in the Philippines??"
Jon - "@profile-9134 Hello Jan"
Anita Ta - "nice boating"
Vee Kay - "@profile-7339 wising you a nice and naked week!"
Andre - "Wunderful!"