Roger Ritter - "It looks better on a sunny day with lots of people. I’m sure you can’t wait for summer to return!"
Kieran - "Hi Folks just had a new book “The Politics of Sex” published on Amazon: The main theme of the book explores the dubious relationship between organised religion and state […]" View
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Peter - "Hope that heels quickly"
Nicolaus - "My wife like to cut grass naked."
Andrea & Mark Goshawk - "Happy New Year 2024 to all our friends old, and new, and whilst I know We don’t get on line often, we’re still busying away with holiday apartments in Naturist Vera Playa in Spain. So please feel free to chat […]" View
Marc - "A cool and short video about naturism (you can enable automated translated subtitles):"
Jon - "@profile-9134 Hello Jan"
Robert Emmet - "@frutteriasocialgmail-com Thanks for the friend-request, Vittorio! I’m happy to be friends with you here!"
Nudentia (Xander) - "With the heat in The Netherlands reaching all time high, me and my mother will be spending the following weeks in the nude. Hoping we can pursuade my brother to join as well!"
Richard Foley (richinud) - "A lovely photo, Saskia (y)"
Mike and Dana - "@ukbearski wont let me accept you as a friend not sure why? Please try again"
Montana Sunshine - "Merry Christmas !"
John - "Wie praat Afrikaans?"