Clothing Optional – Wear what you like

December 30, 2017 in Uncategorized

I love the term clothing optional, it has the capacity to cover so many things.
I am fascinated by clothes, and by clothing norms. For example in hot weather a woman can wear a light dress, with the freedom that can bring, men however, in western culture, must never wear a dress even when they are really hot.
However, men can take their tops off, and whilst that may feel a bit uncomfortable in a city centre no-one really minds too much. Women on the other hand must remain covered up top.
There is so much inequality in our clothing traditions which just don’t make sense.

So, clothing optional should be broadened, No clothes, gender neutral clothes, trousers, skirts, dresses or shorts, does it really matter?

I know that there are many more important issues in the world, so why do we get so hung up on what we wear or don’t wear?