Member's groups
Fun photo’s of naturism, video’s showing the lighter & happier people we are. You can show your own collection of pictures or something you have spotted on the ’net. PLEASE be careful of the copyright laws and also […]
For all peaples living nude at home
The first scratchings and models made by primative man were of their own naked bodies. My wish is to share the art of the naked body, perhaps your own work or a faverouite piece, it does not matter about style or […]
a group for naked shaved nudists who also like to show themselves holistically.
A place for all people who blog nude, or about naturism and nudism.
Nudist/naturists don’t aways make the best art figure models, but not being afraid to be nude in front of people is a benefit. Hopefully we can share our joys and problems of this wonderful profession and inspire […]
A site to discuss reluctant partners.
This group is for those who enjoy gardening in the buff. Feel free to share ideas or photos of your own vegetable or flower garden.
Community Organization for the acceptance of nudism, nudist lifestyle, clean healthy living, and to promote the benefits of eating naked and raw food.
As we celebrate the beauty of the human form, an unexplainable disconnection has formed between groups, which one would expect to be allies: Naturists and, Nude Artists including models, painters and […]
I wrote "Naked Crow" as there are only a few books out (that I know of) that put nudism, naturism and the nude life in a positive light. I packaged the story in an urban fantasy setting (playing in the real world […]
This blog is for members that are involved or want to be involve in any kind of exercise. To make contributions on exercise, health, and nutrition There are no perfect bodies, everybody is beautiful. The purpose is […]