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Name | Paul Do |
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Birthday | 15/08/1945 |
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About me | Senior guy working full-time with my wife as a team. She's not into nudity, but this my story: I seldom hike naked now. At a previous job I could do a short NAKd hike at lunch break 5 days a week. And I could occasionally go to Hippie Hollow (Austin, TX) on lunch break between deliveries. |
Who I'd like to meet | Happy, centered, tolerant people who respect and promote nudity. |
Movies | Avatar, Defending Your Life 1991 (Meryl Streep, Albert Brooks), 6th Sense. Books: Sexual Intelligence (on order). TV Series: Frankie & Grace, Star Trek, Deep Space 9 |
Music | Was into classical music (major in college), budding musicologist by age 21. Thought I'd like to become an organist, but couldn't swallow the Nicean Creed anymore. Haven't played keyboard for many years, but might start again. Liked the Beatles in '68-9, but hated their early stuff. Listened to Terry Gross' 1980 "Fresh Air" interview with Sir George Martin, fascinated with how "Sgt. Pepper's" album came together. I also like the Eagles choral styles. Followed electronic music: Edgar Varese "Poem Electronique", K.H. Stockhausen, Mimoroglu, John Cage, "prepared piano", John Partsch. Never met anyone else who liked this stuff. I have 55 stations on Pandora; what a resource! |
Clubs, organizations or federations | none |
Other | Natural food production and many connections: organic farming and gardening, USDA-NOP dismantling the "organic" terminology, certifying anyone who will pay for certification. Paleo Diet, similar to Atkins Diet but emphasizing unprocessed ingredients, organic sourcing. Supplementation for longevity and comfort into the late years. Watching climate change deniers, searching for any basis for their argument, finding little. Liberal-leaning in politics, about where the Republican Party was in 1970–out of step, eh? |