seianudist - "Hello all fellow nudists. We are having a cold spell here, thought I would check in here."
Roger Ritter - "It looks better on a sunny day with lots of people. I’m sure you can’t wait for summer to return!"
Vick - "I don’t think you should care :). Lovely picture"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Andrew Forest - "Welcome as new member @district7nudie !"
Palo_ZA - "Hello, I have not found a direct link to support, so I will write here. I have known problem with “empty notifications” (already 5 months :)). thanks"
Kieran - "Hi Folks just had a new book “The Politics of Sex” published on Amazon: The main theme of the book explores the dubious relationship between organised religion and state […]" View
Andy - "@profile-10041 Pozdrowienia dla Polski. Niesamowite zdjęcia! To musiało być wspaniałe doświadczenie. Byłoby wspaniale spotkać się na jakiejś wędrówce!"
Lars Smith - "Great guy"
Niko L. - "Hi dear community, it’s very quiet here in the past days. It might be related to the bad weather we have here in Northern Europe at the time 🙂 Hopefully it get’s better soon again so I can restart hiking, biking […]"
Stephen - "Shocking tan lines from a cycling weekend at the end of April …"