Roger Ritter - "It looks better on a sunny day with lots of people. I’m sure you can’t wait for summer to return!"
Ján Kleskeň - "I added new photo:"
Roger Smith - "Out swimming again in my favourite costume again but I must remember not to take it off in case I get arrested for exposing my skeleton"
Kieran - "Hi Folks just had a new book “The Politics of Sex” published on Amazon: The main theme of the book explores the dubious relationship between organised religion and state […]" View
Naimad Big - "Cześć pozdrawiam serdecznie"
pvct - "Impressive collection of hiking photos. Do you usually hike alone?"
Peter - "Hope that heels quickly"
Viktor Krause - "Before you could see who had visited your profile – where is that now?"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Alfredo Morocho - "@naked-eran disculpa amigo cuál es esa página para ver los vídeos ,se puede . Yo era muy fan de tus vídeos ,y ahora extraño mucho,necesito verlos ,dame ese gusto porfavor. Gracias un abrazo."