Benfro - "I have been quite ill for the last year. My treatment is working well, and I am returning to the site. Still finding opportunIties to get naked in Wales and Australia."
nakedspirit - "Lord son, you’re an inspiration. Bless us all by staying naked as publicly as possible! Humbly, I remain your friend, Nakedspirit"
Born Naked - "Rock solid. Nice shot!"
Andrea & Mark Goshawk - "Happy New Year 2024 to all our friends old, and new, and whilst I know We don’t get on line often, we’re still busying away with holiday apartments in Naturist Vera Playa in Spain. So please feel free to chat […]" View
Tony Reukers - "World Naked Bike Ride soon in Amsterdam, 2 juli 2022 De eerstvolgende rit wordt op zaterdag 2 juli 2022 in Amsterdam verreden. Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden, inschrijven is niet nodig. Deelnemers die met de […]" View
Vittorio Volpi - "A recent bill would like to punish obscene acts and simple nudity with imprisonment. The proposal is by the deputy foreign minister of the Fratelli d’Italia party (now in power with Prime Minister […]" View
gwen007 - "Nice pose"
Jon - "Exploring the nudist swim scene a bit more with the Stoke Waterworld and the more calm Edwinstone swim"
LaDonnaAllison - "@sowal-bubbaicloud-com thanks for the follow. I’m a very open minded actress, writer, art model, nudist and entrepreneur who is bold proud and not shy. I always show my face and name. Love topless. I am also on […]" View
Lukas - "Nice commercial. 🙂"
muko - "Very nice women and very nice photos:)"