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Name | Jacob Drake |
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Birthday | 04/04/1956 |
Website URL | http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jacob-M-Drake-Author/159036950801055?ref=hl |
About me | I'm a father, grandfather, lover of the great outdoors (though my body limitations don't allow me to get out and about the way I used to), lover of great fiction of all genres, an author and minister. Phew! Guess that covers a lot, eh? |
Who I'd like to meet | Anyone and everyone who loves nature and living naturally the way I do. I am not looking for any romantic interests, having been married twice and only recently lost my wife of twenty years. I'm perfectly fine with being an older, single male making friends throughout the world… |
Clubs, organizations or federations | Have been to clubs in the Pacific Northwest and looking forward to one day getting a motorhome and traveling to other clubs throughout the States… |