Niko L. - "Hi dear community, it’s very quiet here in the past days. It might be related to the bad weather we have here in Northern Europe at the time 🙂 Hopefully it get’s better soon again so I can restart hiking, biking […]"
Ján Kleskeň - "I added new photo:"
jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Estrella Lidia - "Perfeco Amiga, besitos 😘😘"
muko - "Very nice women and very nice photos:)"
Tyler & Tao - "ROTFL 😀"
Andre - "Wunderful!"
alan hall - "Found the photos, it’s like finding your way through a maze blindfold"
Richard Foley (richinud) - "A lovely photo, Saskia (y)"
ricardo sanchez - "good picture"
Mart & Ann - "Amazingly beautiful"
Mattock Darq - "Now I can’t get ‘The Trolley song’ out of my head"