Name | Jose Morquecho |
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Birthday | 14/08/1957 |
About me | A U.S. citizen but 100% Mexican. I was born in Texas to Mexican parents. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I make my living doing what I love, photographing sports for a local sports television station. I live in a clothes free resort and love the people I meet here.Want to know more just ask, I have nothing to hide. |
Who I'd like to meet | Open minded people, artistic people, honest people. |
Music | What ever makes my feet move and makes me feel good. |
Other | Photography is my passion and love. My favorite subject is people and their faces. I've been told and believe that I can see beauty in everything and everyone. I ride motorcycles, love to fly, I hope to get my private pilots license someday. I also like to Salsa and Swing Dancing. |
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