Name | Don Jackson |
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Birthday | 14/12/1958 |
About me | Always enjoyed being naked from a young age but too busy working and bringing up three kids to do much about it until recently. Now they have flown the nest I have taken the plunge and try to spend as much time naked as possible, although life still gets in the way more often than I would like. Lucky in that my wife is not opposed to a bit of nude time either and we have beach days whenever the chance arises. Live in a rural area so manage to go walking naked sometimes as well, it helps that I grew up here so I know all the good places. |
Movies | Love sci fi, war films in fact anything with robots and lasers. |
Music | Has to be AC/DC at the top. Like a lot of blues or blues/rock. Bonamassa, older ZZ Top that sort of stuff. |
Other | Play the guitar, been in a few bands and played some quite good blues events around the Midlands. Also restore military vehicles and currently own a Willys Jeep, an Air Portable Land Rover, which we take to shows, and am currently rebuilding an army motorbike. Also like playing darts.How do I find time to be naked. |
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