Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 active members
Kieran - "Hi Folks just had a new book “The Politics of Sex” published on Amazon: The main theme of the book explores the dubious relationship between organised religion and state […]" View
Ján Kleskeň - "I added new photo:"
naturist-cartoons - "Anyone who finds this offensive is mentally ill I say, Dump Facebook and go to some other carrier, like MeWe!"
Carlos A. Ahumada - "@onadafre Gracias por tu amistad. Me encantan tus fotos. Lindo grupo."
Anita Ta - "nice boating"
Mike and Dana - "@ukbearski wont let me accept you as a friend not sure why? Please try again"
Jo Dunne - "@natyoural Just read your post about no-one starting conversations, and that struck a chord, so I thought I’d leave you a message! Hope you drop by and enjoy my profile, and maybe have a chat. Jo"
antonio nelo - "ola amigo luis afonso bom dia amigo feliz 2018 naturalmente abraços antonio nelo naturalmente"
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 active members