Name | Oleg and Debbie |
Birthday | 24/11/1962 |
Website URL |
About me | Debbie and I love to feel sun, wind, water and freedom of movement unconstrained by clothes and uninhibited by social norms. Whenever we have time, what unfortunately is not very often, we spend time at nudist beaches, bush-walking or in our garden. We also like social nudity and are active members of the naturist club. We find particularly enjoyable nudist art events like visiting galleries and ballet performances in nude, events that are becoming more popular in Australia. We also like our club’s and nudist camps’ parties when we can relax, dance and talk with our fellow naturist. |
Who I'd like to meet | To be honest I like more to meet people in real word: camps, nudist resorts and clubs than on internet. I don't have any experience with the social media but I do enjoy reading some blogs and comments posted on this website. I guess we all like to meet like-minded people, so all our friends love and respect nature, are against any discrimination and our nudist friends share joy of naturism. |
Movies | Eastern European, French, many British and few American like Cabaret or Woody Allen |
Music | Classic, Balkan music, French |
Clubs, organizations or federations | Naturi Club, Mt. White, Australia |
Other | Hiking and bush-walking; swimming (beach); history and literature |