Jim Stevens - "Great Pic"
Konstantinos - "@cologne1983 Hello new friend, I am a new one on the site. I hope to hear from you soon"
Peter David Levett - "Lovely what else is there to say"
Juhani Hyppönen - "Happy nude Valentines Day"
Karl Prendergast - "If you like big trees and being nude in Nature"
James McKay - "So there is no longer any way to “like” a post? I know it is better to be more expressive but I’m going to miss that feature if it really is gone."
Alex von der Tour - "Leticia M. and 14 others from the Irish Naturist Group will meet Munich Naturists in the Erdinger Therme at 20. Februar ’18 from 13 Uhr Gruß Alex von der Tour have good fun and for interested infos."
David Lewis - "Hello out there! I apologize if I haven’t replied to anyone’s comments…things are still being working out and we’re all seeing blanks once in a while."