Naimad Big - "Cześć pozdrawiam serdecznie"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Peter - "Hope that heels quickly"
albert - "I’m booked in to NEWT2024 …. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone next year."
Nudist1966 - "@vittorio Hallo Vittorio, tolle Sache"
Bernard Boase - "Looking for people who would like to join a winter holiday in Austria next March. See [url] Event[/url]"
Tony Reukers - "World Naked Bike Ride soon in Amsterdam, 2 juli 2022 De eerstvolgende rit wordt op zaterdag 2 juli 2022 in Amsterdam verreden. Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden, inschrijven is niet nodig. Deelnemers die met de […]" View
Philip Hughes - "I’m really looking forward to NEWT 2020, I hope the transport systems don’t let me down."
John Martin - "I think I have successfully registered for 2019"