Member's groups
Naked hiking tours
Naked in the warm, everyone knows that. Have you ever tried it in winter? It is a fanatastic experience!
This is the group for this year’s Naked European Walking Tour aka. NEWT. Registration info (before the tour) can be found within the relevant group event/s. Remember to read the GUIDELINES! Blogs (after the tour) […]
The first scratchings and models made by primative man were of their own naked bodies. My wish is to share the art of the naked body, perhaps your own work or a faverouite piece, it does not matter about style or […]
Finland briefly:
There are three border-neighboring countries in Finland: Sweden, Norway and Russia. South neighbor Estonia is behind the Gulf of Finland. Åland, between Finland and Sweden, is an autonomous […] -
This is the group for this year’s Naked European Walking Tour aka. NEWT. Registration info (before the tour) can be found within the relevant group event/s. Blogs (after the tour) from participants, photos, […]
Deze groep is bedoeld voor mensen die het prettig vinden om langere afstanden in de vrije natuur en in groepsverband bloot te wandelen
Nude News From Anywhere
For nude yoga practitioners or those interested in practicing
It would be nice to make a list of naturist Bed & Breakfasts.
So if you own a naturist B&B or if you visited one, please share as much information as possible! -
The global environmental protest against world-wide oil-dependency, road safety for cyclists and body freedom. The WNBR also has it’s own book which documents this extraordinary event: […]
For those who enjoy camping in tents
This is the group for this year’s Naked European Walking Tour aka. NEWT. Registration info (before the tour) can be found within the relevant group event/s. Blogs (after the tour) from participants, photos, […]
This is the place for putting 'thoughts' into words. Poetry & verse writing is a way to express yourself but other writings can be accepted. Obviously book style writing takes too much space, maybe blog style as an […]