Site overhaul/upgrade.
Posted on November 16, 2017
The Naktiv site will be undergoing a major overhaul/upgrade at the start of December 2017.
Alongside a complex data backup and migration phase, we hope to be bringing several new and useful features to our social media networking site, (where being Naked Online is OK). Please don't expect a magic box on the first day, there will be a reduced functionality for the first short period. Once the data migration is complete, and the basic infrastructure back in place, new facilities will be added steadily. The basic process looks like this:
1. Data and software migration (mid-December)
2. Basic functionality in place – you will need to reset/request new password on first login!
3. Check media permissions and usability <- stable/bugfix period
4. Ongoing enhancements 2018+
Please note that while the transition is planned to go smoothly, anything might happen on the day, so your understanding and patience is appreciated. There will no doubt be some dissatisfied souls, as change can be difficult. However, we expect the improvements to be well worth the effort and the disturbance, and once we're over the challenge of the initial hurdle, bugfixes and oops-corrections and the like, we hope to be able to bring additional and much needed functionality steadily to the site.
Looking forward to it!
20 thoughts on “Site overhaul/upgrade.”
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Hello Richard I have only just been able sign in as the web site has been down .
I find that it is not so user friendly or perhaps I am not using it properly I hope that it does not lose members and I am sure it will require a few tweaks to finish the revamp.
All the best.
Change can be painful, especially the first ones. Everything will be fine once the dust settles.
So today 1/13/2018, when clicking on a link to NAKTIV, I end up at a Word Press blog instead of the Naktiv site site. Had to change password.
So is this the new site and format? Is there a home page or “news feed” type page like before? I’m definitely not liking it as it is here.
Found the news feed page by clicking on the Naktiv logo at top left of any page. I kind of miss the “like” button for posts and photos.
The “Like button” will return in time. You can use the “Favourite” button for the moment.
I had not felt too isolated without the obtrusive clutter of buttons linking to the (in)famous social media. Also for one's own independent website, Facebook provides 'Like' buttons, on which a click however also influences FB. In case the Naktiv site would replace its own 'Like' with <a href="">that particular FB service</a>, I definitely would seem to no longer simply appreciate anything any the Naktiv siteer does.
I hope other fresh possibilities to be actually useful without abandoning the Naktiv site's nice sober and to the point appearance that shows a long enough overview of comments without having to keep scrolling all the time. Too repeatedly I have learned the hard way, to become sceptical rather than enthusiastic about changes being made to good things.
With my easygoing personality, of course I won't blame anyone if initializing the transition would run further behind schedule. 🙂
May the cybergods be with you.
Has there ever been a project that runs to schedule? ☺
Yes, but not so often 😉
Dates have slid slightly due to local time constraints. We should have something mid-December-ish. just FYI.
Looking forward to seeing what you've done.
good luck with the changes. 😉
Sounds good to me
I note the addition of Twitter, google and Facebook buttons accompanying this post by Naktiv Administration. I sincerely hope that the privacy of this community will be maintained! Posts I make here are meant to stay within this community only and not to be shared publicly with others.
Permissions are *always* a personal setting, as stated in the <a href="">permissions docs.</a>
Thank you Richard! Much appreciated!
Thank you for what you are doing! I don’t know what the costs are for doing this nor what financial resources are available for doing so nor where those funds might be coming from, but I do believe donations are in order particularly from those of us who are very active here to help with this process! I will be donating! Hope each of you that reads this will do so as well!
Richard Foley, do you have a preferred currency for the donation?
Euros are the local currency, but to paraphrase Barnum: all donations are good donations.
All the best Naktiv admins and I look forward to the new site and new functionalities. In the meantime, stay naked and keep the Naktiv site spirit up!