Member's groups
German naturist member in german
Gruppe fur die deutschen naturisten in deutscher sprache
Fun photo’s of naturism, video’s showing the lighter & happier people we are. You can show your own collection of pictures or something you have spotted on the ’net. PLEASE be careful of the copyright laws and also […]
Naked hiking tours
It seems that there a ton of groups for smoothe's but none for men and women with a hairy bush. Lets change the world and show we have hair in other places than on the top of our heads
For all peaples living nude at home
This is the group for this year’s Naked European Walking Tour aka. NEWT. Registration info (before the tour) can be found within the relevant group event/s. Remember to read the GUIDELINES! Blogs (after the tour) […]
This group especially for people who want to meet up locally.
For all People we lve Naked in the Forest
Finland briefly:
There are three border-neighboring countries in Finland: Sweden, Norway and Russia. South neighbor Estonia is behind the Gulf of Finland. Ă…land, between Finland and Sweden, is an autonomous […] -
This group holds documents (in the gallery area) from different countries which describe the legal status of naked activities. What are the rights of naktiv people in these areas and how the police may/should […]
This is the group for this year’s Naked European Walking Tour aka. NEWT. Registration info (before the tour) can be found within the relevant group event/s. Blogs (after the tour) from participants, photos, […]
For the naked geocachers
Working in nature, on the farm.
The Naked Hiking Book Group.
The ISBN: 978-0-9572432-2-4
Up to date info. for the book itself can always be found here:
This group is for discussing the book, posting […]
On here you can show photo's from Spencer Tunick Installations or Nude art gatherings. It would be good to see any similar group naturist gatherings shown here. Please feel free to join in.
Nude/Naked signs from around the world;Signage from around the world ie beaches etc.
Feel free to upload photos of yourselves standing next to or near Naturist/Nude Signs -
Nude News From Anywhere
A group for Gay Nudists and their allies.