Kieran - "Hi Folks just had a new book “The Politics of Sex” published on Amazon: The main theme of the book explores the dubious relationship between organised religion and state […]" View
Niko L. - "Hi dear community, it’s very quiet here in the past days. It might be related to the bad weather we have here in Northern Europe at the time 🙂 Hopefully it get’s better soon again so I can restart hiking, biking […]"
Naimad Big - "Cześć pozdrawiam serdecznie"
Gary Cooper - "@augustusjohn How are you?"
Tony Reukers - "World Naked Bike Ride soon in Amsterdam, 2 juli 2022 De eerstvolgende rit wordt op zaterdag 2 juli 2022 in Amsterdam verreden. Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden, inschrijven is niet nodig. Deelnemers die met de […]" View
Jose Gomez - "@sunseal mark, shoot me an email so we can get in touch."
CarloMario Nudi - "@bertvg Hello, Buckaroo. I haven’t been very active on Naktiv lately, but with the fourth month of lockdown I’m starting to check it out again. I ran across your profile and having visited Mainz, Germany for two […]" View
Andrea & Roberto - "This path is an insider tip. Not for everyone – a “path for experienced”, no public trail. It leads along below the famous “Bastei”. By the way: Andrea is ahead 🙂 – Roberto goes last, because of photo. … and not […]" View
Allen Knudsen - "Hey, how come the “upgrade” has made it so much more difficult to access any features of the site?"