jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Kevin - "Road Trips is the title of my latest blog post. It’s published here"
muko - "Very nice women and very nice photos:)"
CarloMario Nudi - "@bertvg Hello, Buckaroo. I haven’t been very active on Naktiv lately, but with the fourth month of lockdown I’m starting to check it out again. I ran across your profile and having visited Mainz, Germany for two […]" View
Chris Hall - "Great photo"
Allen Knudsen - "Hey, how come the “upgrade” has made it so much more difficult to access any features of the site?"
Carlos A. Ahumada - "@onadafre Gracias por tu amistad. Me encantan tus fotos. Lindo grupo."
helvet hispano - "cool to shave outside, did you have a river to rinse ?"
Joe Mohdest - "It’s good to be back! I’d had computer problems, had more trouble fixing them, life got busy, but finally sorted through it all… had some fun naked adventures in the meantime, and looking back here, reminded me […]" View
Patrick Thompson - "Montana Sunshine… Add something to your profile please, then you can get friendship requests accepted ?"
Nat57 - "Lovely pic 😊"