jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Andrew Forest - "Welcome as new member @district7nudie !"
Daniel - "Barcelona here I come!.."
Andrea & Mark Goshawk - "Happy New Year 2024 to all our friends old, and new, and whilst I know We don’t get on line often, we’re still busying away with holiday apartments in Naturist Vera Playa in Spain. So please feel free to chat […]" View
Eric V - "Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing — love the perspective"
Peter B - "Any one else subscribe to Naturist Life Magazine, from Shabden Leisure. I find it a great read, very different from H&E. This is the link Might be worth a look!"
Augustus John - "We are but few in number."
Carlos A. Ahumada - "@onadafre Gracias por tu amistad. Me encantan tus fotos. Lindo grupo."
James Wong Wan Ooi - "@chacac54protonmail-com Hi I just wondering is there a naturist community in the Philippines??"
Adri & Miranda - "assembled a private photoalbum"
Ronald Gale - "I cannot wait for summer"