Mostly Naked Beach Trip 2021 – Corpus Christi Texas
July 30, 2021 in Lifestyle
It was almost the end of July and I’ve gone nowhere so far. It was time for a beach trip!! I had attempted to gather a group together to go to the waterpark but apparently, nobody goes to water parks anymore. I gave up on the others and decided to trip off by myself.
Convert Garden to Volleybal Court
December 21, 2020 in Uncategorized

1952 Ford 8N Tractor
May 20, 2020 in Lifestyle
The lady I bought my land from had an old tractor sitting out in the back yard. It was buried halfway up its rims in mud as it had been there for at least four years since her husband passed away. We traded it for custom-built handrails that I welded up for her front porch.
A friend helped my winch it out of the mud and bring it to my house on his trailer where with just minor work on the carb and fuel system, it started right up! I love old equipment because it’s so simple to work on. It still needs more work but after putting on new tires, it does the job.
I bought a dirt scoop for it as well as an old harrow for planting my crops. I got a used mower attachment which makes short work of mowing my 3.5 acres. Life is good and naked here in Texas.
Living Naked
May 15, 2020 in Lifestyle
For the last many months as the weather has heated up in Central Texas, I’ve been spending the majority of my time naked. It has become almost natural now. I never wear clothes in the house and seldom do when outside around the acreage property to mow or work in the garden.
Every once in awhile I’ll put something on just to be different. Usually my short-shorts and occasionally self-cut tank top. Even then, it’s not long before I ask myself, “What’s even the point of this?” The few clothes that I wear throughout the week get hung up on hooks because they only have a little time on them. They’re good for more use before they need washing.
In the darkness of the early evening, I might wander out to the mailbox or sit in the hot tub and look up at the stars while listening to a podcast or relaxing music.
Living naked is a wonderful thing. It saddens me when I think about all the uptight people in the world who will never appreciate it. I only wish I had someone to share the awesomeness with.

Naked Car Wash
May 5, 2020 in Naktiv
It’s May 4th and it is 95 degrees in Seguin, Texas and the car needs washing. Am I going to wear clothes? Hell no!
I’m going to do it naked as it should be done. Way better! ( VIDEO )
Naturist Yard Sign
January 17, 2020 in Lifestyle
Maybe you, like me, have a few private acres and need a yard sign to announce to visitors that they are entering a nudist area.
I put together this simple sign that you can upload to an online sign website and have it printed. It generally costs around $20 including shipping to have a sign made and delivered. If you like mine, download the high-resolution image here:
Lots more laundry in the winter
January 1, 2020 in Lifestyle
It’s hard to miss the fact that I have to do a lot more laundry in the winter.
Now that I’m retired and living full-time-naked out in the country, I can get by without having to wash clothes for over a month. During the winter it has to be done once a week or the laundry basket gets rather full. All that unnecessary clothing in the summer just sits in my drawers taking a break until winter comes back. Since Summer in Central Texas lasts for 8 months that leaves only 4 months of having to do the laundry. It certainly saves on the energy bill.
Being and Nakedness
December 31, 2019 in Philosophy
I was born naked. You would think everyone else was not.
Ever since I can remember, clothing seemed completely unnecessary to me. As a kid, I swam naked, I slept naked, I played naked. Even though my friends insisted on wearing clothing I preferred the natural option.
Now that I’m a Free Man, I take my freedom seriously. I bought my 3.5 acres of land in the country and am almost finished building my dream house. It has been months since I’ve worn any clothing other than for trips to town for groceries and building materials. Even then, I select my shorty short shorts, a tank top and sandals.
My skin has never been healthier and happier and neither have I. My stress level has gone from 11 to maybe 1 now. My body is healthier and my mind is seriously calmer. I’ve lost almost 10 pounds and am eating healthy food almost all the time since it is too far to go for dining out.
There’s no doubt that I am still lonely but even though I think about it every day, it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. I remember that nobody else I’ve ever met understands Awesomeness therefore the chances of finding someone is quite minimal. Better to not stress over it. If that person exists, she/he will find me. If not then it was not meant to be.
I have only one neighbor in viewing range but they don’t mind if I run around naked. It’s high summer here in Texas and when it is 100 degrees every day with blazing sun relentlessly baking the land from 8 am to 8 pm and no significant cloud-cover, going Au Natural is a wonderful solution. Air conditioning is still a necessity but without the unnecessary insulation keeping your body heat in, you can set the thermostat higher and save so much money. My last electric bill was $75.00.
This morning, after breakfast, I went out and did a little yard-work and let the morning sun wash over my naked body. The air was still a little cool and it felt perfect. I am one with the natural world.
I wish everyone else could experience life this way. How much happier would we all be if we weren’t hindered with the stigma and incomprehensible misunderstanding that the body is an embarrassing thing that must be kept hidden. What is this? The 1800’s? We are all the same. Don’t worry about it. In a better dimension, this wouldn’t be a problem.
Save the world and save yourself. Be naked and be happy. Freedom is only .009 inches away.

Naked Homesteading – Episode 1
November 18, 2019 in Uncategorized
Introduction to Naked Homesteading. A tour of my house project in the country.
Seguin Nudist Friends
House building update – Front deck almost done.
November 18, 2019 in Uncategorized
Now that the weather has been cooler, I’ve been able to move outside and start working on exterior projects. The first project I had planned to do was to build a front deck.
I dug eight post holes and set the posts then built a 2×8 frame to hold 2×6 joists. On top of that, I screwed down 5/4 x 6″ decking boards. This project, like most of the others, has taken longer than I expected and cost more than I had planned. I still have to build the roof portion.
I’ve been hampered by some cold, wet weather but as usual, it only lasts a few days at the most and then it’s summer again for a few weeks. I tried to wear my short shorts and a half-shirt but even that was too hot. Once I dumped the textiles, I was able to work much more comfortably and get so much more done. Sunscreen was helpful even though the winter sun is not as evil as the summer sun.
The inside of the house is 99.99% done so I’m back on the outside now. After the deck is done, I have a little bit more siding to do then paint. I’m just 13 months into the house project and it’s virtually done. Not bad for a year!