Chris Hall - "Great photo"
Marc - "A cool and short video about naturism (you can enable automated translated subtitles):"
Patrick Thompson - "Have a really happy weekend whatever your plans. We have a small Easter tea-time gathering today, our niece and our care giver will join us for an hour or so. We have Simnel cake at Easter and over indulge in […]" View
Larry - "I wish I had heard about this camp when I returned from Viet Nam. I would have been a good way to re-enter the world after war."
Allen Knudsen - "Hey, how come the “upgrade” has made it so much more difficult to access any features of the site?"
Carlos A. Ahumada - "@onadafre Gracias por tu amistad. Me encantan tus fotos. Lindo grupo."
John Cooper - "You are a beautiful lady lovely pictures."
James Wong Wan Ooi - "@chacac54protonmail-com Hi I just wondering is there a naturist community in the Philippines??"
Adri & Miranda - "assembled a private photoalbum"