Mark Boyd - "I kneel the same way all the time. I find it comfortable, but friends/family will sometimes wince when they see me doing it."
Earth Hawk - "I got my first vaccine today. The x-ray vision and super hearing are starting to kick in after just 2 hours of being vaccinated. My sense of taste is also starting to enhance. I can practically taste the air […]" View
Chris Hall - "Great photo"
Marc - "A cool and short video about naturism (you can enable automated translated subtitles):"
Allen Knudsen - "Hey, how come the “upgrade” has made it so much more difficult to access any features of the site?"
T. L. Lim - "Looking forward to NEWT 2023!!!"
Rob Nytro - "I gotta say, here you are wearing more clothes than I’ve ever seen you in, in your pictures, I don’t like it! lol"
Jon - "@profile-9134 Hello Jan"
derek mowbray - "Well what can I say just started the year walking naked now I’m back in my jumper lol good old British weather 😅"
Tyler & Tao - "ROTFL 😀"