Name | Bruce Kendall |
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Birthday | 23/03/1944 |
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About me | We have been building naturism in Thailand for over 10 years. A unique place and the weather affords naturism everyday all year long.I have l lived in Seattle, Renton, Yakima Omak, Syracuse, Raleigh, Albuquerque, Karlsruhe, Riyadh, and now in Thailand. |
Who I'd like to meet | Naturists that are actively promoting naturism in the world. |
Movies | Just about any movie on any subject. |
Music | RockCountryAboriginal AustralianThai Country RockFolkBlues |
Clubs, organizations or federations | Senior Organizer for Naturist Association of Thailand.Professor Emeritus of NaturismCommander of the Naked Army |
Other | Building naturism in Southeast Asia. |