jan and gary - "@learningtolovebelindaroseyahoo-com Great connecting with you. Jan&Gary:)"
Eran Moray - "Nice view."
Micheal W. Taylor - "Thanks for the friend request. I’m puzzled, and maybe flattered at you requesting it, especially as I have not been very active on this site recently. I spend most of my time on skype."
Felipe - "@profile-13028 me gustaria contactar contigo, puede ser?"
Sunseeker - "Forgot how good this site is"
Charles G - "fantastic set"
alan hall - "Found the photos, it’s like finding your way through a maze blindfold"
Billx - "I am just getting into the comfort of putting my naked body online. If the site is comfortable I have no problem doing that"
Letocpl69 - "Great photo!"
Mike and Dana - "@ukbearski wont let me accept you as a friend not sure why? Please try again"
JimmYa - "@630791245qq-com"
helvet hispano - "cool to shave outside, did you have a river to rinse ?"
Samantha Scott - "great view"
Ryan - "linda"
Tom Mura - "the south of France sounds like a nice place to be."