Name | Robert Emmet |
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Birthday | 08/09/1946 |
About me | I live for most of the year in northern Virginia, in a former rail station converted to a house, surrounded by wilderness. I like to be naked indoors nearly all the time, and outdoors as much as the weather allows. I used to be a teacher, and retired some years ago to devote my time to reading, writing, cooking and DIY (I do a huge amount of woodwork in the nude, staying well away from anything sharp!). I am single (divorced), bisexual and enjoy social nudity with both men and women, separately or together; I spend the summer months in London where I relax naked in a secluded garden, host nudist dinner parties and occasionally have to dress to attend a concert or play. |
Who I'd like to meet | Any and all nudists, either online or in person, especially people who enjoy cookery, books, classical music and travel! |
Movies | The classics in general, but no science fiction or fantasy films, classic or otherwise. No horror movies, either. |
Music | Classical, especially pre-20th century; classic rock. |
Other | Nudism, of course, but cooking is a passion (my waistline betrays that). I like giving nudist dinner parties – it is joyful to see people relaxing and enjoying each other's company without the inhibitions of clothing. But I also love to carpenter things, from furniture to sheds, and to bind books. I also write essays, mostly on literature for specialized journals. And wine – I keep adding to my fund of knowledge about it, and the learning process is sheer delight! |
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