During holidays in sweden i did a nude tour throuh the forest. It was an amazing feeling. Although it was cold below 0 ° C, I did not freeze. Even when it started to snow slightly, it was good to stay awake. After an hour naked in the woods, I went back into the warm room.
Great,,, enjoying
Andre added a new photo 6 years, 6 months ago
Andre, amazing, when most would shirk at the thought of even thinking about going nude in these conditions, you show that the body can tolerate extremes for at least limited times. I find that going nude when it isn’t warm actually allows me to feel warmer for longer when it does get cold. Great pictures mate, real naturism shown in this set of…[Read more]
Andre added a new photo 6 years, 11 months ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago
Andre added a new photo 7 years ago