Profiles are convenient places for us to:
- Tell people about who we are, it makes sense to be informative and relevant.
- You don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to, but people may be more inclined to trust you if you do. Your call.
- Your profile photo / avatar is your window to the outside world. It does not need to be your passport photo, just keep in mind that this is what people will see of you most of the time.
- We are NOT the FBI, we are NOT deep checking any of your information.
- Share our information with other users of the site.
- It’s up to you how much information your provide about your location and activities and so forth.
- This is NOT a dating or ‘nudist personals’ site, but if you do happen to meet our members in the real world, all well and good.
- Do try to avoid asking for personal information unless it’s offered, no-one likes a stalker.
- Keep in mind that hiding implies you’re doing something wrong, don’t hide!
- Organize our content and connect with others (network).
- Make friendships and join groups.
- Exchange private and public messages with friends, respond to discussions replies, notifications etc.
- Add photos, create blogs and events, etc.
We would do well to remember how very successful the gay community were with their “coming out” technique to expose hypocrite behaviour and to promote widespread acceptability of their lifestyle. Traditional nudist and naturist communities could learn a lot from this kind of activism. Essentially, if you’re not embarassed by your behaviour, you shouldn’t be embarassed to show your identity. Bear this in mind.
Finally, if you do wish to deactivate your account and to remove your information/content, you should be careful to remove this before you request deactivation via Profile->Settings->Deactivate.