Facebook censorship and Figaro

Good to see that Facebook are getting a little mainstream media grief over their puritan censorship policies, at least in France: http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2013/03/07/01016-20130307ARTFIG00619-facebook-contre-la-censure-quels-recours-possibles.php?m_i=HiIHeEriHzbEexPnkkpIj0ws8evsK%2BKgzYyeXJgi8vPCattH6 Et un de plus. Cette semaine, le Musée

To be offended…

A nice blog example of this topic in italian here; http://emanuele-cinelli.tumblr.com/post/44933375084/racusophy-nw-nudist-to-be-offended-by-the “To be offended by the visual appearance of another person is prejudice, akin to racism. The right to exist,

Ski gondola in summer

This is a lovely shot of a young couple enjoying the ski gondola in the summer: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421857454553476&set=a.421857447886810.98009.421856904553531&type=1 As Sieglinde pointed out on FB, they should be sitting on towels. But

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