Dash Of Fun!

We just had a lovely weekend with family staying over & a naturist couple from across the street popping in for chats & card games. These weekends are fairly rare

Naturism and mindfulness

Mindfulness is all over the place these days. For anybody interested in self development, mindfulness is almost a must. As Wikipedia defines it: « Mindfulness is the psychological process of

Modern Swimwear Styles

Burkini, Bikini, “Nukini” see http://www.naktiv.net/photo/42784/swimwear-comparison/all/ The Burkini swimsuit is similar to “swim costumes” worn almost 100 years ago required by “civilized” society for modesty. It covers a woman's entire body

The Birthday Suit

Every person is born wearing a custom-designed body suit. It lasts a lifetime if taken care of by the wearer. It comes in many shades of pink/yellow/olive/red/brown from very very


This article was written by Emilia van Hauen and posted here with her permission. Please secure the author's permission prior to reposting anywhere else. http://www.emiliavanhauen.com/ BALLS AND SAUSAGE THERAPI A

Stay, Not Away!

We planned our holiday with a difference for this summer, instead of all the airport stress & crowded hassles, we have opted for a 'Stacation'. In other words we are

All We Need.

The bliss of laying out in the sun in golden silence! The only sounds I hear are birdsong & the occasional cat meow. The sun is almost directly above us

Nudism or Naturism

Nude means having no clothing or covering;i.e. undressed and uncovered or not wearing any clothes. Nudity is the state of being nude. Partial nudity refers to a part of the

FKK und Nudismus

Viele meinen zwischen Naturisten (FKKlern) und Nudisten gibt es keine Unterschiede. Doch dem ist nicht so. Der Unterschied zu FKKlern besteht darin, dass Nudisten nicht über einen Verband organisiert sind.

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