Digital images and security

One common policy with people with digital cameras in nudist venues is to require them to delete all the images on the memory card (physically confiscating the equipment begs for

Self-Photography 101

Self-photography has a perhaps earned reputation as the venue of the bathroom-mirror crowd. However, it need not be so. Here are a few tips that can lift self-shots up a

Cancer and embarassment

This is directed to all the guys of Naktiv. It's a couple of years old, but wise counsel has no expiration date. ================================================== Here's a sobering statistic: according to the

Christians, The Bible and Nudity Part 2

Christians, The Bible and Nudity Part 2 In part 1, we cited the treatise, <a href="" target="_blank">205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism</a> , from TNS. In this part,

Christians, The Bible and Nudity Part 1

<b>Christians, The Bible and Nudity Part 1</b> This text is from <b><a href="" target="_blank">205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism</a></b>, from TNS (PDF file). <b>Christianity supports Naturism.277</b> 180. Genesis

What Is A Nudist?

What is a nudist? • A nudist is a person who is aware that the human body is the most marvelous and incredible biological machine in creation, and who understands

We are!

We have indoctrinated by believe and strictend out by law.People are like sheep and do see us like primitve mammels with no morrals and respect.! I call myself "Liberated Exentric


So been looking for a new job for a month now. Had a line on one but blew that. since then I have not had anyone accept or try to

My dream last night

Last night, I dreamt that Nudism started to spread. It started with one person who just went everywhere nude. It made national news coverage, no body was offended just curious.

New Report
